The struts dispatcher cannot be found. This is usually caused by using Struts tags without the associated filter. Struts tags are only usable when the request has passed through its servlet filter, which initializes the Struts dispatcher needed for this tag , d2 g7 k# C' t1 |# O找不到struts的分发器dispatcher,这通常是由于使用了struts标签,而没有配置相关联的filter。struts标签只有在http请求通过标签的servlet filter过滤器之后才可用,这些过滤器用来为这些标签初始化struts分发器( l. r$ p/ Y+ T
看一下你的JSP页面中没有加 6 S5 N' Y) |7 }) m2 |<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> " W$ s1 q( |1 G* \6 P: O , r9 g& Y! U7 b3 l也有可能是配置问题- @ z3 P' _5 t/ Y1 B
web.xml中配置的struts2 filter拦截器不是/* ' D2 d7 o. d& I8 s+ m' C应该配置成: 8 G! x( i1 d) g0 P8 ~0 }% @<filter-mapping> 5 z8 ~. p8 z( R9 b* h <filter-name>struts2</filter-name> ( V; a# h, L) t: V <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>4 ]" f7 y) j& ]5 s- q
</filter-mapping>8 ]/ \+ P* b- C+ O& b. @& M4 j
6 ?3 \5 c) u: s, N* u