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发表于 2015-07-18 22:13:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
需要启动二级缓存,二级缓存的scope是sessionFactory。也就是说二级缓存的数据可以在由相同SessionFactory创建的多个Session中重用。# J; R, L2 r. ?1 W% a

  M$ V/ |# }, t' c( N首先,要在hibernate.cfg.xml中设置一个cache Provider,hibernate支持多个cache实现,有EHCache,OSCache等。在非分布式环境中可以选择默认的EHCache。添加ehcahe jar) r, {9 j" I( f) Q0 S
  1. <dependency>$ J/ j; o& e/ V! b$ @: e
  2.           <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId>
    + w( b% h' E: M5 |! ?: b
  3.           <artifactId>hibernate-ehcache</artifactId>
    0 D2 P3 e$ u; l6 U& K
  4.           <version>4.3.5.Final</version>
    % w' w' q. j0 j: e7 S3 e2 p
  5.       </dependency>
  1. <hibernate-configuration>
    7 j' H0 L( P! _2 @  R
  2.     <session-factory>
    ! A7 Q# k2 x, ?7 r1 w' i
  3.         <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>3 y5 M2 b+ w$ \' u
  4.         <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/test</property>
    3 M1 z0 g, r7 e& G( O
  5.         <property name="connection.username">root</property>+ E0 v2 P9 m4 T6 y% \9 w
  6.         <property name="connection.password"></property>
    9 z1 h5 j7 l* i  A
  7.         <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect</property>
    * @2 H% K- T. L8 N! }
  8.         <property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>
    $ }& m  \) Y! ]& `6 x. y0 C( ?) T
  9.         <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">update</property>! H; c$ E) }/ Z( A' v
  10.         <property name="hibernate.generate_statistics">true</property>  s4 u0 {$ H6 r% {/ {! G
  11.         <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class">) ?1 N  J" }. A
  12.             org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.EhCacheRegionFactory
    6 ?, A7 H) A# ?! e
  13.         </property>
    6 p8 E5 P6 A4 A7 q* r
  14.         <mapping class="com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book2"/>! p3 n, u- M  R5 v; I- Y9 ]$ X& C
  15. </hibernate-configuration>
' z( H- N. w; Q& F' F# b1 v
  1. <ehcache>
    7 w4 H% {( {6 [, l' j* P
  2. <diskStore path="c:/data/ehcache"/>
    ) y' U" U9 r6 o5 m
  3. <defaultCache& x9 C- [9 Z% a( v5 x$ I
  4.         maxElementsInMemory="10"
    7 c3 \. H  S' w$ q
  5.         eternal="false"/ z; N# b+ X6 g2 ~
  6.         overflowToDisk="true"/ n3 e, m) O* g& I7 X: O- K
  7.         timeToIdleSeconds="120"
    3 [( T" ]7 q6 P( o: V
  8.         timeToLiveSeconds="120"% U6 s2 i, g) o( Z
  9.         diskPersistent="false"7 @; v" B' J+ b7 a2 A( L# z
  10.         diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="120"/>7 R' ~- V& V0 E; m
  11. <cache name="com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book" maxElementsInMemory="10"  eternal="false" ) k. v/ S) b3 I1 D. r, E9 |
  12.     overflowToDisk="false" timeToIdleSeconds="120" timeToLiveSeconds="120" diskPersistent="false"/>; y( e5 F% X' J; X; H5 x
  13. </ehcache>
  1. @Entity7 ~" r! s6 |% p. k- q( Y5 E
  2. @Cacheable8 N+ V: E( e1 J. J: j
  3. @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY,region="com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book")
    2 m( \6 M; m6 y  d# E( y9 \
  4. public class Book2 {
      }2 u1 o$ N0 n. F( X
  5.     @Id
    : u( y) D! G- F. I0 m; g# f
  6.     @GeneratedValue
    " l3 p# S' i6 _9 `6 _# U6 c& y3 R
  7.     private int id;4 X) H  H3 n+ e8 c7 Z. i9 `
  8.     private String title;
    ' V  u7 C. g( Y" {# b7 S
  9.     public String getTitle() {
    ) G& L. w3 U4 z, J
  10.         return title;
    4 s( z$ \: [6 G) {. ]$ S+ s& W8 d
  11.     }
    5 x" e' X& n# H4 F
  12.     public void setTitle(String title) {
    , C0 d2 C' Q4 Z* e9 i/ `; U
  13.         this.title = title;
    + [3 M/ Z( c6 C
  14.     }; D' T6 N* h* R
  15.     public int getId() {
    ) m) e# p  _, y& t' c# R* {
  16.         return id;
    + q0 u) Z4 ^" _1 ]5 v- \+ k
  17.     }
    5 t) E; x4 D9 a+ `
  18.     public void setId(int id) {
    - |" z+ U9 l$ a- R$ k& }$ ^
  19.         this.id = id;# r* s* H1 }9 S
  20.     }
    * c% c1 ]2 l& C, ~
  21.     @Override2 }# K2 r0 N8 f7 f
  22.     public int hashCode() {
    : ~* B: P% i- m+ A
  23.         final int prime = 31;4 t4 o/ `& X, Y0 x; K
  24.         int result = 1;, d6 g8 R, v1 F2 J
  25.         result = prime * result + id;
      m6 P) v: O7 C# w
  26.         result = prime * result + ((title == null) ? 0 : title.hashCode());& h  r4 \& _- D4 y- T8 G  i- C. A8 L% {4 q
  27.         return result;
    " U' N! k+ l9 n. a( p
  28.     }
    " ?- [- E4 v, |* ]5 K
  29.     @Override
    6 ^/ b/ o0 v7 D) D4 T- L) B% F
  30.     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    & A- d+ _+ i& Q) V# C
  31.         if (this == obj)
    9 b) {+ }" f1 H! m6 x8 P* M
  32.             return true;
    3 E7 s; W$ B' i
  33.         if (obj == null)
    7 x4 F7 F& R7 \1 n. j8 f# O6 m
  34.             return false;
    , d; u( L/ E8 `. a/ P
  35.         if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
    9 X% x' L2 K! g* x: L" ]2 G
  36.             return false;
    : _  k1 v. h) i
  37.         Book2 other = (Book2) obj;4 B6 }* H, W( I+ H/ T7 _
  38.         if (id != other.id)+ s1 G* S/ K) U0 s' p: N( o
  39.             return false;" N- |4 n) k3 C* Q: ]4 z
  40.         if (title == null) {
    ( I: `/ J$ v5 g( J
  41.             if (other.title != null)
    5 w& D( x5 K% ^6 T1 V2 ~
  42.                 return false;- m  p# [, T7 V( W- E1 V- L6 i
  43.         } else if (!title.equals(other.title))( f' N; b" W* a4 Z1 j7 x
  44.             return false;: g# e  p$ w7 H8 L$ {) f; w
  45.         return true;
    2 {1 z2 H5 p8 A- K# V3 U
  46.     }
    2 }) r3 r# `+ r0 d+ }
    + ?% j! \- k; ^. g0 [
  48. }
二级缓存的持久化类必须实现equals方法。; F6 c; n9 V! ~. |
, s, Z# R0 n( w  ]6 n
只有在SELECT时才会缓存。8 W  Z, ?7 o6 N4 Z
0 f% L: O( f6 `& ]( [
  1. Session sess=sf.openSession();
    ' V# D; x; \# L2 P; q
  2.         Book2 b=(Book2) sess.get(Book2.class, 17);
    * B2 E) \+ H/ @0 F& q1 P
  3.         System.out.println(b);0 M3 i- t! s" r" j( [: L' G
  4.         assertEquals("spring Recipes", b.getTitle());4 g0 X+ N, q$ U
  5.         Book2 b3=(Book2) sess.get(Book2.class, 18);
    8 R' n! W0 Q) V
  6.         assertEquals("dfad", b3.getTitle());7 i2 O6 n  G- ^- g( R$ r7 \0 @
  7.         sess.close();* g5 Y* x0 b/ K0 f
  8.         slcs=stat.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics("com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book");0 L. t& `5 F, [( g+ e& u, Z
  9.         System.out.println(slcs);
  1. SecondLevelCacheStatistics[hitCount=0,missCount=2,putCount=2,elementCountInMemory=2,elementC
    5 l; o( O1 W# N) i" [6 R
  2. ountOnDisk=0,sizeInMemory=3948]
9 m# C0 V. ^1 q. y8 p) M
  1. Session sess1=sf.openSession();
    $ z" b0 t+ V0 O) E% W* D/ `3 ^6 D
  2.         Book2 b1=(Book2) sess1.get(Book2.class, 17);: E  g9 \! i& e
  3.         System.out.println(b);8 g! s* `  s# B; k6 W
  4.         Book2 b2=(Book2) sess1.get(Book2.class, 17);, a- U7 E( y$ x1 v# @
  5.         assertEquals("Spring Recipes", b1.getTitle());3 h: O) s6 i& D8 Y1 W' @5 k
  6.         assertEquals("Spring Recipes", b2.getTitle());
    2 k: Z' L0 }2 v  N" W" N2 M$ [
  7.         slcs=stat.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics("com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book");
    ' B1 ?7 [; r8 a/ l
  8.         System.out.println(slcs);
  1. SecondLevelCacheStatistics[hitCount=1,missCount=2,putCount=2,elementCountInMemory=2,elementC
    ! K6 l+ u/ H; `1 j
  2. ountOnDisk=0,sizeInMemory=3948]
  1. @Test2 [; ]$ I1 H( I
  2.     public void test2LCache()
      p$ h$ K+ h; |, I
  3.     {" O: Y* t/ ^8 Y; }  \
  4.         Statistics stat=sf.getStatistics();//获取stat对象! Y, h, j& ]1 `6 _/ r$ c
  5.         Session sess=sf.openSession();
    4 X  V% e( \: T" }
  6.         Transaction tx=sess.beginTransaction();  A8 ^; m, W2 B- ~% c& A: `( D
  7.         * T# J" u6 A" d
  8.         //存储对象,此时不会放到缓存中
    " o7 t7 {9 g& k  p: i6 Z
  9.         System.out.println("--------------存储对象---------------------------------");" _" u" V" f1 L& a+ M2 W6 Q# r
  10.         Book2 book=new Book2();
    ' ~( t# I: j3 `* g) X# f8 @9 F
  11.         book.setTitle("Spring Recipes");" E" U6 o% `! x
  12.         sess.saveOrUpdate(book);
    , u& c, l* c+ C3 @/ P+ ]" V. Y
  13.         tx.commit();& B0 [/ W$ N  \3 z, X9 i0 G0 u0 H
  14.         sess.close();) \0 ~* _1 N- O" m) H" b
  15.         System.out.println(book);! C. _; [0 v5 u. a/ b5 O+ q. Z1 D9 R
  16.         SecondLevelCacheStatistics slcs=stat.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics("com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book");! k4 t& h5 U: f5 |1 j
  17.         System.out.println(slcs);
    & A1 d; h# Z# C# A4 {& R5 U& d
  18.         Cache cache=sf.getCache();6 y7 \" u$ _- E# P# }+ G! {) z
  19.         System.out.println(cache);
    ! d; H7 W9 Y: P5 k
  20.         cache.evictAllRegions();//从所有region中获取数据
    " E: d' {7 j; ~8 i
  21.         Map map=slcs.getEntries();4 g9 f- x, v# K. T3 X
  22.         System.out.println("Cache entries:"+map.size());0 J1 m2 b! \. ^% k$ \
  23.         System.out.println("--------------第一次查询后---------------------------------");2 y* o% {5 W  r6 r0 @% j
  24.         sess=sf.openSession();2 ]3 s& ^1 l8 N
  25.         tx=sess.beginTransaction();
    # S! H# F& r2 [! k7 S6 v" ^4 F( Y
  26.         Book2 b1=(Book2) sess.byId(Book2.class).load(book.getId());//第一次查询
    # ~. ]" R& k  [7 e7 S  `$ B
  27.         System.out.println(b1);
    % k! W2 E/ t; r  ^5 L
  28.         assertEquals(book, b1);& J, K& D' A6 X  R
  29.         tx.commit();
    * t# C* s. W( o
  30.         sess.close();+ }7 [4 D! ^; ^, D
  31.         slcs=stat.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics("com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book");
    7 M" e+ C, G; u( u& r
  32.         System.out.println(slcs);. r; X) [1 L! @0 b0 [9 S
  33.         map=slcs.getEntries();
    / [3 g' H$ Y8 B2 F! l8 x
  34.         System.out.println(map.size());
    3 V  Q* V. j1 u1 g  @
  35.         System.out.println("--------------第二次查询后---------------------------------");
      Q, H5 A1 \2 k( s  `
  36.         sess=sf.openSession();
    * C1 A0 p( K) k9 q% r3 Q/ w9 X
  37.         tx=sess.beginTransaction();
    ( f6 v! b$ \1 ~9 g9 R1 _: K
  38.         Book2 b2=(Book2) sess.byId(Book2.class).load(book.getId());//第二次查询
    - {  P5 e' E& h. ~
  39.         System.out.println(b2);
    * o, w0 U' S6 @9 P' B) j
  40.         assertEquals(book, b2);
    ' J* S) ]2 u+ a$ q
  41.         tx.commit();) j& [" t3 @0 m& `9 {% q
  42.         sess.close();
    8 k0 t+ R: G  z* S' V0 |% A
    : |% I  m" T9 ~. @
  44.         slcs=stat.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics("com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book");
    4 L* c3 L/ t- D1 Q, }! T% T# Q
  45.         System.out.println(slcs);
    : M) o, y# W6 t
  46.         // this is the initial select
    + B" _$ a9 m# G% I; I, x
  47.         assertEquals(stat.getSecondLevelCacheMissCount(), 1);6 Q' [; i; ]3 l' X
  48.         // we put one element in the cache from the miss5 M' A* r/ ~: D
  49.         assertEquals(stat.getSecondLevelCachePutCount(), 1);
    ) Q( i) N1 d  U0 O' C# j
  50.         // we still didn't hit the cache, because of 1L cache
    ( J) L3 L! M1 e5 R7 [
  51.         assertEquals(stat.getSecondLevelCacheHitCount(), 1);
    - y5 i1 u8 G. U# d7 t+ ^9 u
  52.         System.out.println("--------------第三次查询后---------------------------------");$ w2 `% t- ~, ~9 W  M% C2 b/ |
  53.         sess=sf.openSession();
    / C' h* Y, W. T: S
  54.         tx=sess.beginTransaction();
    5 z5 C/ H) `' O% }$ \9 }! n+ f% V
  55.         b1=(Book2) sess.byId(Book2.class).load(book.getId());//第三次查询
    % }( [9 E( v" H
  56.         assertEquals(book, b1);
    * B9 b/ [0 d) K9 ?6 Q7 S! M1 S
  57.         tx.commit();: {, H( O( S( y* a& P% O* }' U* W
  58.         sess.close();
    , e( R3 D; F, @
  59.         1 d. Q8 v, \8 m# A9 r
  60.         slcs=stat.getSecondLevelCacheStatistics("com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book");
    * n. Y1 L( Q" K& t% f9 c/ d1 s
  61.         System.out.println(slcs);
    # i; B. H. G: A" [) o( `' u
  62.         // same miss count (we should hit now)
    9 ~& g4 T# \9 Z" }3 O
  63.         assertEquals(stat.getSecondLevelCacheMissCount(), 1);
    $ O  m# e7 q& S9 T, K: e
  64.         // same put count (we didn't put anything new)! s/ d- g* l' ]8 ?6 V
  65.         assertEquals(stat.getSecondLevelCachePutCount(), 1);
    : M% s6 e) H0 z- p2 J
  66.         // now we hit the 2L cache for load! j/ X& \+ b4 E4 h2 Y
  67.         assertEquals(stat.getSecondLevelCacheHitCount(), 2);& T( p, C7 p: L% u& _
  68.         0 y$ z) a* A  c+ }# t7 I0 X9 y& n
  69.     }
  1. Hibernate: delete from book2: Z  s. ~* y6 @! V  ~3 c3 x3 W
  2. --------------存储对象---------------------------------
      X, Q: \/ L7 O- y$ I6 T9 A
  3. Hibernate: insert into Book2 (title) values (?)- r0 C4 t1 J4 Z+ g$ j( e
  4. com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book2@521e083b8 _) Y. ~9 o- V- S4 ?2 L5 x* I$ |! S& x
  5. SecondLevelCacheStatistics[hitCount=0,missCount=0,putCount=0,elementCountInMemory=0,elementCountOnDisk=0,sizeInMemory=0]
    % c" _% G8 d/ i; m/ `0 q. r0 G4 |6 [
  6. org.hibernate.internal.CacheImpl@4830f6
    $ E! F7 ?! g' v# X
  7. Cache entries:0
    ! p- y% F4 e/ w! Q4 W1 a
  8. --------------第一次查询后---------------------------------  p6 A2 L4 n8 V/ K5 l! C
  9. Hibernate: select book2x0_.id as id1_0_0_, book2x0_.title as title2_0_0_ from Book2 book2x0_2 a! o9 j) C% w: h
  10. where book2x0_.id=?
    % G6 q) x/ f+ {
  11. com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book2@521e083b
    1 N) H$ j! M. I% L$ e* l
  12. SecondLevelCacheStatistics[hitCount=0,missCount=1,putCount=1,elementCountInMemory=1,elementC" ^5 p# {. b( u" o) M2 Q) c
  13. ountOnDisk=0,sizeInMemory=1979]
    # ]. d) \9 Z, g( a# {
  14. 1
    , x1 v9 O" S$ _' a& O
  15. --------------第二次查询后---------------------------------7 |7 O2 D' T, ^+ `- Y
  16. com.xinglongjian.entity.hbm.Book2@521e083b# P, T) O: r$ Z. [! o5 d& U
  17. SecondLevelCacheStatistics[hitCount=1,missCount=1,putCount=1,elementCountInMemory=1,elementC3 B( B- h( l6 l
  18. ountOnDisk=0,sizeInMemory=1979]
    $ U7 a8 D, Z- H7 h7 }, p, F
  19. --------------第三次查询后---------------------------------
    ) l0 C4 P; `* k9 u! q
  20. SecondLevelCacheStatistics[hitCount=2,missCount=1,putCount=1,elementCountInMemory=1,elementC- X$ L- W9 c+ C/ Y0 ]4 v/ r
  21. ountOnDisk=0,sizeInMemory=1979]
7 z. @7 X+ j1 i; F6 |' i

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