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发表于 2014-07-28 19:36:08 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

// 项目目标:建立员工管理系统第一个版本。! {- [& G+ h1 j' J; S1 b) V& g. F' ^
// 实现图形用户界面的员工信息查询、增、删、改;与数据库建立,并将修改结果时时保存到数据库。
; j: l8 d0 V6 j- F// 模块:1.GUI界面 2.数据库连接 3.查询 4.增、5删 6改(操作数据库)

import java.sql.*;
% y( \2 g- k9 pimport java.awt.*;
% x; y! M  Y5 Y  y6 q* j' h( d: simport java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class EmpManageSys implements ActionListener {
) ~/ `- q, u9 V; t$ x5 T& GConnection con;! p  Q4 q2 P' K: |  y- a) M
Statement stmt;
& M5 P7 P, H+ SString sql;
* n' H( n; z% n2 |+ JResultSet rs;
: ~& q+ k0 u+ g( R3 yStringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

JTextField jtf2 = new JTextField("张飞",10);

JTextField jtf3 = new JTextField(10);

JTextField jtf4 = new JTextField(10);

JTextField jtf7 = new JTextField(10);

JTextField jtf5 = new JTextField(10);

JTextField jtf6 = new JTextField(10);

JTextField jtf8 = new JTextField(10);

JTextField jtf9 = new JTextField(10);

JTextArea jta10 = new JTextArea(50, 40);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {9 n! l! m! o" C( d* J5 A7 I# ^! L/ C
String str = e.getActionCommand();4 o3 f, ~# p1 ?- o- ?
if ("查询".equals(str)) {

//if check the button of 查询,then go to method of searchEmp(); ?5 v5 m4 w! `' t. T
searchEmp();0 W; A: ~9 ]( g$ ~
} else if ("增加".equals(str)) {

//if check the button of 增加,then go to method of addEmp()
- @! ~, W7 k# m# ^! DaddEmp();
0 t- [3 O. d9 B' j% @, Q3 }} else if ("修改".equals(str)) {

//if check the button of 修改,then go to method of alterEmp()& z; b2 w( u) P# F# N- w  C# R, t
alterEmp();/ b8 Z$ C* y* T( P. f7 P9 y' u
} else if ("撤除".equals(str)) {

//if check the button of 撤除,then go to method of deleteEmp()
8 u. ?. Z! Q" B/ G. f7 d! KdeleteEmp();+ w5 e2 l! A+ y! ~* W) i: x9 H
}) j2 n5 q+ a) `$ W1 ?

//this is the constructor.

EmpManageSys() {
) R+ E9 O4 z* fcreateGUI();# p) _- u5 g9 V/ ~/ C
6 D% o% ^6 x. n3 B% G// searchEmp();4 T+ H# _- Q( H% B
// addEmp();5 Q9 e# P( e: e8 A. a
// deleteEmp();
+ z' [4 A, `- qalterEmp();4 n, N2 V, e+ @& d: C6 ]5 a2 I! V! t

//connect to the database by using the method getConnection from the class of JdbcUtil.

//You can find the class of JdbcUtil at the button of this page.

public Connection connectToDataBase() {
7 u) [+ ^) t4 {+ m& e3 d7 S$ ]con = JdbcUtil.getConnection();
* S* o8 Q; x/ }3 tSystem.out.println(con);7 X  @- y- o, f1 B9 F( Y' `
return con;


public void searchEmp() {
+ \5 I  b9 ]4 [8 o+ bjta10.setText("");
7 X+ z5 {3 {! H5 M& Wtry {
: c7 c0 P; [$ x+ d; K! Q2 I2 P- Vstmt = con.createStatement();" |- ~( L5 Q: }
// sql = "select * from Mstar where id=" + jtf3.getText();
+ ~% @4 W9 X4 h% J5 e1 l// sql1="select * from sd100343 where ="+jtf3.getText();+ j* C8 [7 {! ^' m
sql = "select * from Mstar where chineseName="4 S3 o$ w5 {- A% p$ I- X
+ jtf2.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or id="
& q1 w5 d' K9 i4 i+ jtf3.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or engName="
* }5 s7 O2 K9 B; T/ c* q4 N+ jtf4.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or UNIT="& b2 Z6 |; E" ]+ k; D
+ jtf5.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or TEAM="
: m7 m0 `$ S- y+ jtf6.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or Phone=": H5 O: z/ {8 J; }4 ]5 p
+ jtf7.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or region="5 |% p4 N0 U! Z+ Z( W0 A% B: E
+ jtf8.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or busStation="' O- b: [; U8 f4 J" Y% e
+ jtf9.getText().toLowerCase().trim();; C& A! P# n; Z
9 O% u3 y2 K4 s) B" crs = stmt.getResultSet();
9 ^. Z8 @& W) Q( z! OResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();; s: {/ _5 [  K# k
int cols = meta.getColumnCount();0 P3 b) @$ I. f
while (rs.next()) {
: P5 d* {1 C: d, S$ U+ Zfor (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
4 A8 \2 O; P- E! V' _4 x4 Asb.append(" " + meta.getColumnName(i) + " =");: V2 i6 M7 r- {' P& a* y
sb.append(rs.getString(i));$ Z, A: Y2 d/ g2 _+ V
}* p2 _7 q1 _! z2 i0 `
/ l8 D  {& u: i# J; `6 g( V; Fjta10.setText(sb.toString());0 g3 x5 O- ]' O, L& g/ q2 z
}5 c) t: ~3 G  p) b  Y% _) t* {
} catch (SQLException e11) {) ^9 s7 p. q, P* ^* }5 ]
" j1 S; i1 u2 u! `: m( T2 U7 h" k}


public void addEmp() {
6 M! x4 ?2 J! k8 J; ^try {) P+ f" S/ }- m2 @4 v0 g& c
stmt = con.createStatement();
& q9 w4 z: F' H/ Lsql = "update Mstar values(" + jtf2.getText() + jtf3.getText()( y0 H3 R; ~; i, {3 g
+ jtf4.getText() + jtf5.getText() + jtf6.getText()
8 t2 Q; M- r# x. E, ?5 u+ jtf7.getText() + jtf8.getText() + jtf9.getText() + ")";
% y2 o3 g+ ?- ^. f, gint i = stmt.getUpdateCount();
7 a# F9 V* C* J7 tif ((jtf2.getText() != null) && (jtf4.getText() != null); h7 `% y( `( t! ?& [2 r
&& (jtf6.getText() != null) && (jtf7.getText() != null)) {
" x2 a4 A% R# vstmt.executeUpdate(sql);- r# ~+ l, C5 ]& A$ q5 H
jta10.setText("添加记录成功" + i + "条");
& M! g4 _3 \. O; X# w5 e! L} else {
1 A, p& r7 E9 ]  I2 [) _jta10.setText("带*号项为添加记录时不能为空");1 d6 w* M  m5 C5 ]" e
}: T2 f' o' [5 w1 b
} catch (SQLException e1) {
0 }$ c* y  F# P4 me1.printStackTrace();
+ Z& `' G# Q2 _/ O, j! C5 W. Q}
* ?, U+ {2 Q, ^8 o, O' Z# u}

public void deleteEmp() {
8 W; Q. u; \; H; {7 Y: m3 w6 S; wsearchEmp();( K; x) \6 w, F+ c
try {# |% b+ m* Q" V8 Q' \3 M2 E
stmt = con.createStatement();) `+ Y; w' I! ~% ]$ e" E
sql = "delete from Mstar where chineseName="
6 a& x0 V1 m, P  l4 H0 c/ N+ jtf2.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or id="" Q7 o. J3 o% O% f. s
+ jtf3.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or engName="5 E( k; f2 e# c, D/ f- m( j3 l
+ jtf4.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or UNIT="  n* ~8 e! I# \3 Y2 [. p- S: H  Y% ^
+ jtf5.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or TEAM="
6 L9 i9 E6 m' U& x$ `+ jtf6.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or Phone=". L  V& h& u# R( H1 V
+ jtf7.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or region="
* a& h( d  `/ v& \7 v8 V+ jtf8.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "or busStation=": T" F0 ^5 [# L& P4 W# ^
+ jtf9.getText().toLowerCase().trim();" W' f# w  o; E; }& W( @
stmt.executeUpdate(sql);' @& H( `* T6 ?, l- }3 |6 z
int i = stmt.getUpdateCount();" g  q* K3 i$ b
jta10.setText("撤除操作成功" + i + "条");
1 E& A+ }3 A& z$ r  G: p} catch (SQLException e) {- \4 t9 f2 g+ @7 G3 n. A+ m. u( I
e.printStackTrace();  m# i  d% K; O# t0 s


public void alterEmp() {
, O. x' E/ K2 ysearchEmp();! \7 @# L8 Z  C5 N1 D
sql = "update Mstar set chineseName="
" n% T; }8 A1 X! J0 ]+ jtf2.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and id="( z3 v( O/ V2 e3 I; M$ y
+ jtf3.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and engName="$ c% c5 B$ L8 G* Z! @
+ jtf4.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and UNIT="
% ]: c3 ]5 Y& i9 e+ jtf5.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and TEAM="
0 ~7 _! {! t) j7 @; o1 j+ jtf6.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and Phone="
) L/ Z' q; F: o1 G* N: `" G+ jtf7.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and region="5 s7 [" ~( G4 f# \- H  }/ D! R( N
+ jtf8.getText().toLowerCase().trim() + "and busStation="* I8 z  W; g: C' U/ b$ u
+ jtf9.getText().toLowerCase().trim();

int i = 0;$ l1 U1 V8 ]3 H4 n4 |, N1 u
try {4 h# A& [5 P) z
# g3 U( {0 K- d; ?# S' Pi = stmt.getUpdateCount();
6 k4 }: J0 U3 [! z# V/ w} catch (SQLException e) {
0 c2 v$ g$ U, j4 He.printStackTrace();$ q3 _! K/ ^7 j) b1 P
}/ p7 [( w6 c$ o; @! F" h
jta10.setText("修改操作成功" + i + "条");3 Z2 M3 l7 y' r7 o$ z

public void createGUI() {9 L% ~+ N2 z/ G) f" w
JFrame jf = new JFrame("员工信息管理系统");" Z/ h  I% U4 [5 O9 M
jf.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));) m& d* y$ y6 I3 P; t( ?( }) g! b3 U
// jf.setLayout(new GridLayout(10,2));; ~4 x7 D$ o( v1 K8 N* Q% N. h
JPanel jp00 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5, 4));

JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();
3 [1 k9 H4 u! @: m! SJButton jb11 = new JButton("查询");: h0 u0 O" t! e( |/ A
& R! L. ~6 _7 O9 q3 H. U1 dJButton jb12 = new JButton("增加");
, b0 D: E6 b: X1 s# Yjb12.addActionListener(this);+ }- D' e4 I9 `0 w9 m2 I+ C
+ A$ a2 {& r7 _% _. Vjp1.add(jb12);& E' \) h0 G7 P  l) v, V
; y4 U, s' Z: Q4 b$ }3 q- aJPanel jp11 = new JPanel();
, v& ~2 W5 B* r! q" q) YJButton jb111 = new JButton("修改");
- r( e& z3 ?, ]1 ^' \, u1 tjb111.addActionListener(this);
  E: \3 _1 L/ C) Y* QJButton jb112 = new JButton("撤除");0 W5 c" F  [) j& P1 S
( k7 Y$ ^: e+ a. N$ u& t! b/ e% gjp11.add(jb111);
9 M3 _/ l- x) Y1 X& T* Ojp11.add(jb112);, A7 e6 c+ L' v, w4 R" t
jp00.add(jp11);+ _; V; j/ k8 R4 s8 r
JPanel jp2 = new JPanel();' t% Z+ W* t; t4 m, L- ]$ t) p3 ?
JLabel jl2 = new JLabel("中 文 名 * ");
7 r" ?- q0 O. y1 k2 H" [0 s$ ajp2.add(jl2);7 ^" E; D9 E7 I1 [4 M* V
0 c; B: V' l4 N7 {$ U$ }1 k' Yjp00.add(jp2);+ _; P2 Y9 U1 H4 h! N
JPanel jp3 = new JPanel();
* i  c) J7 [2 M; u6 X: e' @+ O2 \JLabel jl3 = new JLabel("工 号 ");
) E9 y2 R: V& U1 v' G2 ]jp3.add(jl3);* n; ?% Q6 s& s* F8 c* j" R- S% P
& _. U5 P3 a5 Vjp00.add(jp3);
3 M4 Q' @7 s# P  {4 DJPanel jp4 = new JPanel();
1 K' Q* N) s& `, J/ a1 p8 |JLabel jl4 = new JLabel("EngName*");
) |: G  I' K7 \3 u0 y8 I! njp4.add(jl4);
9 y; X8 X' @3 B3 V+ Ajp4.add(jtf4);
8 w2 ]) U  \" j( O6 \, ~+ Q/ L% |* y: ajp00.add(jp4);
8 V/ v% d4 D, t( {; {2 HJPanel jp5 = new JPanel();
: n! V5 Y# n! S- ]4 LJLabel jl5 = new JLabel("UNIT ");( k% M* e$ E4 ^. g
' v9 O, ^5 ^* |( i: e8 Bjp5.add(jtf5);
( n  M5 e/ g# n: Pjp00.add(jp5);
8 [( H& s$ b2 S- T1 j$ JJPanel jp6 = new JPanel();% S% }) e2 z0 D* Q; ^
JLabel jl6 = new JLabel("TEAM* ");
" ?9 ^) v; p3 }0 G% f5 Pjp6.add(jl6);
1 A7 l8 e2 j+ v. K7 k' A9 ?3 Tjp6.add(jtf6);* i" l2 r$ T6 w. r
, }! @2 ~5 y' l5 s' w0 x3 GJPanel jp7 = new JPanel();
* r& Z. X- Z. r9 S: V% a: d! N: i0 cJLabel jl7 = new JLabel("Phone* ");) R5 `$ ]) b; }# z/ i/ c
, X% _" L: M& m0 W1 tjp7.add(jtf7);
# j1 Y* G+ p  |" `1 I2 ojp00.add(jp7);1 ?! m& F. U, ?- U
JPanel jp8 = new JPanel();3 z" F! x* k- Y6 V
JLabel jl8 = new JLabel("区域 ");
0 i0 I0 w4 c% G: ]jp8.add(jl8);
) C4 A5 d& C4 e1 \jp8.add(jtf8);( {  R, T2 q! S1 w( |/ O) c* U
jp00.add(jp8);: C- e0 ^5 x' V
JPanel jp9 = new JPanel();: b. i$ U" S. q+ ^3 |) k9 c6 G
JLabel jl9 = new JLabel("公交站 ");
0 J2 u7 y# d1 K3 Cjp9.add(jl9);
' o6 v5 p# R9 W# I8 i. B4 ijp9.add(jtf9);3 Q1 P+ ]/ Q& M: y) z
jp00.add(jp9);, j2 }$ Z1 n; z% a  k; ]
jf.add(jp00);. `4 I: ?; l0 U/ \) Y
JPanel jp01 = new JPanel();
* b& n+ K% a( g: M5 ~jta10.setText("--用户使用手册-- \n1、查询:选择一个字段,如 EngName 在文本框中输入相应内容,点击查询\n2、增加:在各个文本框中输入相应内容后,点击增加。\n3、修改:先查询到你要的记录,在更改相应内容,点击修改。\n4、撤除:类似于修改操作");
6 `% A5 U9 s6 bjp01.add(jta10);
( K+ q) D( G: H( U! _. R6 }jf.add(jp01);
7 V5 A5 T2 {9 m5 p' q( V5 x/ vjf.setSize(700, 500);
( x: O' C2 X) J0 R5 h! y! ?jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);: L5 O8 M# r8 w* L


public static void main(String[] args) {% A1 U* }2 r8 G
new EmpManageSys();
. c7 a' o) l7 F1 k  s, k}
, G: H/ J% w/ N& H0 X' k- p}

# ]  Y. F- j: t# h8 `1 J

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发表于 2014-07-28 19:36:24 |只看该作者
; I" B& _- [$ O+ rSQL工具类JdbcUtil:用于实现数据库连接和数据库关闭。上面程序用到了这个类
& C# b* Z# U8 E- p0 l. P% @import java.sql.*;
: ?2 d% y3 j, Q3 j1 Z! T6 Cpublic class JdbcUtil
/ q! |1 R4 U1 p2 N+ n5 g{+ P# F# c6 E0 H' |, x0 e/ ~; d
//load driver from file 5 ]8 O' c  [- P8 {( F" K) b: d
static{* w  F0 E: I" W- a6 R! f+ N
try{2 w! g5 ~& [$ r; ^4 \) r0 w/ U
String driverName =
7 E8 J4 D/ \& H# a"oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
# m1 W7 \3 U7 @. oClass.forName(driverName);
9 e. b. O: M" z}catch(Exception e){
- R6 W% ?* j/ Xe.printStackTrace();$ N. `+ O! y! s6 c# P! M- c
5 `: \' ^7 s, }7 [}5 Q0 ^) H7 g; W- N" n4 n
//establish connection
! _: E- C: s+ [& h/ Qpublic static Connection getConnection(){) b4 h9 ^& v2 E9 F9 m" F, F
Connection con = null;
9 D7 ~* w& }- xtry{
( Z9 Z2 u8 C, p" NString url = 5 c+ L8 C( y  b* K& C+ m
"jdbcracle:thin192.168.0.26:1521:tarena";7 j5 H' k3 b+ K6 C5 R! l6 o! J8 X2 A! H
String usr = "openlab";
  C0 o9 N) Q0 X  ^$ j- rString pwd = "open123";4 @5 p4 A! G  q. d& J) P
con = DriverManager.getConnection(
, E  U0 z1 S: k' Durl,usr,pwd);
0 W' |; T3 E3 L* ~4 l}catch(Exception e){- F( Q) @+ ^: r8 O9 ^) H) h/ S
9 ^: q/ A, S/ G. n}; [3 m6 F. e( J: k1 L6 d
return con;# C/ q3 {& Z8 Q+ I( [' r6 G
}( d5 ]: s' R/ B6 C

+ }( a% ~5 E7 ~$ c3 B3 O; g, \* q: v//close resultSet,statement and connection
' p5 \+ G9 e' ^. a& Gpublic static void close(ResultSet rs,Statement stmt,Connection con){
9 ^4 U5 n: S, u" {1 V, ytry{3 R5 w1 I, t3 N1 b9 A
if(rs!=null) rs.close();
; Q' H7 b) @( z9 H0 R! N}catch(Exception ex){& B9 ~: ~7 j5 i. q+ q. w; T3 i
ex.printStackTrace();$ N5 B7 P: f# R8 Z& Q
}" o$ k) K- v/ ~* r1 b
try{- ~7 Q6 z% |* M
if(stmt!=null) stmt.close();; _5 z$ e/ l6 ~: T/ q8 |
}catch(Exception ex){
/ F2 \3 M! ?% Z5 ]5 c9 o  a  Cex.printStackTrace();
0 U+ D5 `1 A, |& }- I( w  I}
7 q& H- j8 q% ^& O& N9 s9 [) btry{# W' H7 H# H! l4 Y
if(con!=null) con.close();
' J+ S* j3 [3 t, ?. M4 C: L) H}catch(Exception ex){
# {8 T# Y$ Z! ]; aex.printStackTrace();$ V9 i1 z* }9 q* J$ i
7 Y4 V# g/ E! a; q; s}4 O* D0 E: }% {7 X/ j5 {

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